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    Leagues... American or English?

    (Alex Foster)

    Is there a general rule for how games should be scored in the leagues or is it for the home team to decide? Does it vary by summer/winter? Does it depend on the division? There has been some confusion in div 3A with some matches  using American and some using English. My team mates have asked me and i dont know the answer! Cheers!

    06 Jun @ 14:23

    Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in /var/www/html/inc/classes/ on line 77
    by Alex Foster

    Thanks Richard. I'd come along on Monday but I'm on flying to Greece! Cheers

    06 Jun @ 09:43

    Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in /var/www/html/inc/classes/ on line 77
    by Richard Bickers

    Hi Alex. I think there was an agreement at the AGM a little while ago that we could use different scoring systems during the summer league. Both teams would need to agree and all matches during the evening need to be scored the same.

    If you can't agree then the default is english to 9.

    Some teams are choosing PAR to 15. I don't know if any are going for PAR to 11 - that's really better suited to the top boys who actually have rallies. It's over a bit quick otherwise.

    If you have an alternative suggestion then please come along to the AGM on Monday.

    Cheers, Richard.

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