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    AGM input

    (Richard Bickers)

    Specific recommendations received from Kingsdown:

    Entry fee for autumn and spring seasons are in total £25 that is £12.50 for each of autumn respective spring seasons. We propose:

    1) To change to £12.50/team the summer league entry fee from the current £25.

    This is to align the summer fee with the other seasons.

    2) To change the summer league fee for teams non represented at the AGM to

    £15 (same as for autumn / spring season)

    Many teams do not make the effort to turn up with a full squad. Last AGM a working group was suggested to solve the problem, however we have not heard of any progress. Therefore

    3) We propose a £5 penalty per player for teams missing a player from their squad. This payable to the other team, unless the captain with the full squad waves this fee. Teams will state on their badsquash page when this penalty can waved (e.g. 2 days notice is given).

    4) The above fee applies also for cancelled away matches if home game is already played. This is £5 x team size.

    5) The above fee applies for home games, if the other captain does not give at least x days notice.

    6) x above is 2 weeks / 1 week / 2 days

    Also, I suggest that the board should clarify at the beginning of the AGM, if each person at the AGM can vote or each club has a single vote, and votes shall be counted accordingly. Last years some votes were casted in one way, others the way around.

    08 Jun @ 14:09

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    by Richard Bickers

    From Mark Regan:

    In view of the ladies league being withdrawn this summer, I wanted to propose introducing mixed teams either as a separate league or in place of the current men's league.  Should the agm agree on a particular format the proposal should be put in the hands of a working party to finalize and agree. 

    06 Jun @ 10:45

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    by Richard Bickers

    From Redwood

    My suggestion for AOB would be to request that BAD League matches are not just played on a Wednesday night.

    I suggest that they are spread over Tuesday,  Wednesday and Thursday nights depending on what Division you play. Thus allowing some players to double up when a team is short through unavailability and injury.

    For example

    Wednesday night;  all Premier League matches

    Tuesday night; all Division 1 matches

    Thursday night; all Division 2 matches and continue that rotation accordingly.

    Thus allowing increased availability and allowing the casual club member access to courts on a Wednesday. 

    If I manage to get there on Monday I would be more that happy to put this proposal across in person.

    I understand that BAD squash has a very good reason for hosting matches on a Wednesday night and I don't mean to be disrespectful to those decison makers.

    I just think it would be better to spread it across the week.

    04 Jun @ 10:30

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    by Richard Bickers

    From BAWA

    Can you include an agenda item in the BAD Squash AGM for affiliation to England Squash. There is nothing on the website nor in any minutes which were passed by the AGMs of the past to say clubs have to be affiliated.

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